Form Follows Function.
That's always been my design engineering philosophy...
Louis H. Sullivan really knew what he was talking about when he coined that phrase & established this school of thought/design theory.
Youtube embeds dont work anymore, private/regular tab it doesnt matter
They dont want your art to be shared or blogged
I'm gonna stop sharing youtubes & minimize my use of the platform
If your 🎶 isnt on soundcloud/mixcloud upload it now.
torn between treating people as bad as they are vs treating people as good as I am.
ultimately, i'm working on being a better person, being the bigger man, but as Tupac said "don't push me"
no bs for every action issa = & opposite reaction
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
-Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Ever gaslight a gaslighter? Its toxically satisfying: dont make a habit of it tho b/c then u become the same monster u fought.
"Sometimes you just have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you." -Shu Takumi
took a memory test setup by real psychs online and found that my long term memory retrieval works just fine.
nobody can tell me that i can't grasp reality or dont
recall things.
mfs really be gaslighting & choosing cognitive dissonance
What makes a name sound "American?"
The implicit bias is not towards names like Akecita, ᐊᑖᐦᑲᑯᐦᑊ (Atâhkakohp), Ayün, Bidziil, Jeruti, Tenskwatawa, Iiná or even Tupaq despite their nativity to this continent.
It's about proximity to whiteness...