I am colonizerphobic and dumbassphobic

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who cares, aint nobody safe, hide yo bigotry, hide yo ignorance, we aint fucking with stupid.

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z, over 2 years ago

It's important to note that people actually listen and grow. For example, after increasing his awareness of the situation, Kanye actually went and did the right thing. This is how artists grow as people.

To other fellow artists. If you're doing creative work with somebody you have to be honest with them. You have to let them know if it works or not, if it vibes or not.

Honest feedback is worth more than all of Satoshi's Bitcoin.

If you're working on a project, and your objective is to deliver something 🔥🔥🔥 then you can't settle for good. You need to reach for greatness. 

I hope everyone learns and keeps going. 
