The USA created the Taliban by funding them to fight against the USSR by proxy. Then we invaded after 9/11 and left 7 Billion worth of weapons, as well as the biometrics of everyone who helped fight against the extremists (who pervert the message of Islam to gain political power, much like evangelicals do in America with Christianity), leaving all those people defenseless against the Taliban, who are now well armed with US weapons.

Posted by z at | Public


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what happened in kandahar stays in kandahar, fml, no person deserves to experience this, too many things going on, haste made waste

Share 🧠 The USA created the Taliban by funding them to fight against the USSR by proxy. Then we invaded after 9/11 and left 7 Billion worth of weapons, as well as the biometrics of everyone who helped fight against the extremists (who pervert the message of Islam to gain political power, much like evangelicals do in America with Christianity), leaving all those people defenseless against the Taliban, who are now well armed with US weapons. |
