People who tag with "In the future all staff should be unionized or Zedtopia needs to operate as a worker-owned co-op" :


Items tagged "In the future all staff should be unionized or Zedtopia needs to operate as a worker-owned co-op" :

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💭 Thought by azeem over 2 years ago. | Public

Given the Space X letter, Elon's gaffes since the divers, sexual harassment, & now trying to buy Twitter & cut staff there as well: Any Twitter staff who want to join Zedtopia, we offer equity & hope to continue building the future of the net.

Tags: In the future all staff should be unionized or Zedtopia needs to operate as a worker-owned co-op, zedtopia


azeem over 2 years ago

If you worked at Microsoft or Meta/Facebook you are not allowed at Zedtopia, not even as a guest tour.

You contribute to the violation of everyone's privacy and helped code and build infrastructure that is built upon the idea of stealing users' data and selling it to advertisers.

If you're the person who said let's do Ads at Twitter, you're also not allowed.

Not only have you demonstrated that such evil is palatable to your liking, you directly earn a living by exploiting everyone's data.

If you have a conscience and work for one of these companies but are against such an EVIL business model, or are upset as a past Google employee because they removed "Don't be Evil" from the charter, check out Zedtopia.

Sign up & send me a message if you'd like to join us. Thank you.

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