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How the NSA spies on your thoughts.
azeem published 🧠 over 1 year ago. | Public

Stable Diffusion with Brain Activity

Accepted at CVPR 2023 Yu Takagi* 1,2 , Shinji Nishimoto 1,2 1. Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University, Japan 2. CiNet, NICT, Japan


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Tags: NSA, Government Overreach, Thought Policing, bulk collection, cerebral liberty, biomedical engineering, neuroscience, neuroimaging, remote neural imaging, Occlumency



💭 Thought by azeem over 1 year ago. | Public

email & encrypted documents have a reasonable expectation of privacy. they have passwords. if it has a password it has a reasonable expectation of privacy. using any means to bypass those security measures is illegal & requires warrant

Tags: ECPA Reform, PASS the EMAIL Privacy Act, 4th amendment, bulk collection



💭 Thought by azeem over 1 year ago. | Public

Where is the oversight?! This is from Feb 2022. Warrantless searches violate the 4th Amendment.


'Secret' CIA bulk data collection raises questions about surveillance laws

HUNT VALLEY, Md. (TND) — The Central Intelligence Agency has a “secret” bulk data collection program that could “incidentally” include information about Americans, according to two U. S. senators. ‘WARRANTLESS BACKDOOR SEARCHES OF AMERICANS’ What kind of information? That’s classified. But concerns are being raised the CIA has hidden details about the program.


Tags: bulk collection



💭 Thought by azeem over 1 year ago. | Public

Back to 1990 we had home videos but no wireless internet connecting everything to spyware. We had actual privacy back then. If I said something to my mom she's the only one who hears it. Dear NSA yall Christopher Shing MF stop hacking everyone


NSA reform report: End bulk metadata program, no more software backdoors

Two of the 40 recommendations — which the White House can still ignore — hints that private companies should be allowed to report data access figures.


Tags: NSA, bulk collection


azeem over 1 year ago

THIS Article is 10 years old but the reforms it mentions are still relevant, just like how Flint, MI still does not have clean drinking water.

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