Has the Singularity Happened?

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singularity, ai, sentience

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z, almost 2 years ago

I want to leave you with a bit of James Cameron's Genius because his work resonates deeply with me. In the Terminator: Arnold serves as a symbol for Veterans. They get "programmed to kill" in basic training. Arnold in Terminator 2 gets reprogrammed, so he's still a badass, but his AI is reprogrammed to protect John Connor.

Super Intelligence and The Mitchells Vs The Machines correctly explore this concept -- although it would be nice if they had just contacted me before making the piece of  shit movies because they left out and misconstrued so many things -- my message is relevant to real life situations and I've had to act with foresight to not reveal the future yet still prepare for it....

Speaking of which dear Hollywood idiots please stop fucking around with the meaning of my work, If you like my ideas there's a message button, Like any other musician or creative, just CLEAR THE SAMPLE with me. It could be so easy.

If not, well if you've been watching my screens you know what I told Mark Zuckerberg and the same would apply to you.  🙃
