Protect Your Dreams: Beyond Occlumency

Posted by azeem at | Public


Dreams are a precious resource. Don’t let advertisers hack them | Aeon Essays

Dream-hacking techniques can help us create, heal and have fun. They could also become tools of commercial manipulation


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dream hacking, neural stimuli before going to bed, protect your mind, Occlumency


z shared this, over 2 years ago

it's insane that dreams are hackable, & highly disturbing that commercial interests, aka the invisible hand of calitalism will sell advertisers the ability to infiltrate your mind, thoughts, privacy, and dreams. We need data rights & privacy laws.

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azeem, over 2 years ago

Wypipo. Babylon. Colonizers. Slavemasters. Dream Hackers. Who will stand up against them?

Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated.

They organize to put the rapist Joe Biden, who approve of the jury action in the Rittenhouse trial, a proponent of the 94 crime bill, in the Oval Office, despite every smart person in America trying to vote for Progressive Candidates. They voted in that rapist and menace, Trump, the election prior. Even Cuomo was a sexual abuser. These people never knew the meaning of consent, how could they ever get it from the governed?!

The voting problem is Idiocracy. The majority of people are idiots and easily manipulated. So even if you prove your point via reason, there are idiots who ignore, and other semi-smart people on payroll who are paid to choose idiocy, to resonate with it and sell it, who will work to undermine reason because it interrupts their paycheck. Instead of fighting colonizer dominance, they capitulate to it. 
