People who tag with "even sex based solely on dominance means unequal orgasms" :


Items tagged "even sex based solely on dominance means unequal orgasms" :

💭 Thought by z over 1 year ago. | Public

Dominators see anyone they cannot dominate as a threat. Anyone who stands on their own, or is independent, is a threat to their dominance. If they profit from the dominance, it's guaranteed that they will attempt to thwart any effort towards freedom.

Tags: athletes with sportsmanship don't seek to dominate anyone they just deliver game winning performances and greatness, dominance is dumb, people who attack or see anything they cannot control as a threat, dominance and supremacy are threats to freedom, even sex based solely on dominance means unequal orgasms, give your partner multiple orgasms in a healthy relationship & they'll reciprocate

